Quit Drinking Success Stories: Triumphs of Sobriety

At her core, she knew something was still not right. When she was working at Recovery Centers of America, something happened that changed her path for the better. I was 22-years old, in college, and I thought, ‘I’m not like these people in treatment.’ But I packed up my loafers and my sweaters, and I played the part. “My father passed away with 35 years of continuous sobriety. Even when he was in recovery, we didn’t talk about it.

stories of sobriety

You need a contingency plan in place to strengthen your resolve if life in recovery ever gets tough. There’s little more challenging than fighting cravings for drugs or alcohol while you’re clinging to sobriety. Some changes have been almost imperceptible, while others have felt like tectonic shifts.

What happens to your body after 1 year of no alcohol?

You’ll even have more energy and better sleep with no alcohol-induced anxiety. One of the most significant challenges I faced was dealing with alcohol cravings. Cravings are a normal part of the journey to sobriety, and I learned to accept them and manage them effectively. The journey to sobriety was not without its challenges.

stories of sobriety

Her missing purse was returned to a security guard working at the concert venue, who tried to track Laura down by trying her recent calls — including her mom and her cousin who lived in the city. This book is highly recommended for anyone who, like me, is or was terrified of living a boring life. This book will inspire anyone looking for fun and adventure to create incredible memories while living alcohol-free. It gives you new eyes to see the beauty in living sober. This book tells an incredible story of not only recovery, but also how it connects to race and sexual identity.

Boundaries and Communication: What to do When Your Son or Daughter is Addicted to Drugs

The disease only progressed slowly, daily deceiving me into thinking I was in control (NOT!). After starting my own Plumbing Business, my daily routine became, work, drink all evening at the desk. I had plenty of warning signs, only to ignore them.

  • Landmark Recovery was founded with a determination to make addiction treatment accessible for all.
  • One of the first of its kind, Drink opens our eyes to the connection between drinking, trauma and the impossible quest to ‘have it all’ that many women experience.
  • This isn’t a far-fetched dream, but a reality that unfolds when you decide to quit alcohol.

It’s a guide to acknowledging personal power and using it to recover. The book helps readers with physical sobriety, as well as mental, emotional, and spiritual https://en.forexdata.info/top-10-best-sober-houses-in-boston-ma-january-2024/ sobriety. Beyond quitting alcohol lies an array of benefits – improved health, better relationships, financial savings and career advancements await you.


Finding books and other materials focused on the benefits of sobriety can be challenging in modern society. However, doing so is a great way to find motivation and inspiration. She managed to navigate the trip by substituting cocktails with non-alcoholic beverages and focusing more on the experiences instead of the drinks. For others, their decision was triggered by realizing they were headed down a destructive path.

Belle’s consistent messaging on our faulty thinking led to a major mindset shift for me. She provides actionable steps for anyone looking to drink less or none at all. A great starter book for anyone looking to begin changing their relationship with alcohol.

Complaints about unlicensed sober living homes in Arizona have more than quadrupled since 2021

One of addiction’s stereotypes is that it only affects those with dysfunctional families or a history of abuse. But when we spoke with Jules, we learned her story defied those ideas conclusively. Quitting alcohol allowed me to build healthier 20 Natural Alcohol Detox Supplements and Vitamins relationships with improved communication, understanding, and respect, making them stronger than ever before. I found healthier ways to cope with these cravings, from engaging in activities that I enjoyed to practicing mindfulness.

  • Gaining insight into the challenges and achievements of others having a similar journey is comforting and can give you hope that you can accomplish the same.
  • Dealing with my feelings can still be very challenging.
  • I no longer regret being an alcoholic since it is through my alcoholism that I have been able to grow and integrate a wonderful set of principles into my life.
  • Sometimes such self-run, self-supported homes are known as Oxford Houses.
  • Saunas in the state, part of a tradition with roots in the 1800s, have been especially popular since the pandemic as more people seek a communal experience.

With every unsuccessful attempt to abstain, which never lasted more than a day, I became more and more frustrated. I tried to limit the quantity to only one drink daily. I began hiding bottles in the garage and under the seat of my car so I always had access to alcohol. I would never use the same liquor store twice in the same week to avoid potential criticism by the sales clerk of the quantity I was consuming. By this time I had been sober for three weeks and I had made plans to go for a five-day inpatient evaluation approved by the PHS director. I went to an addiction treatment facility with a program designed specifically for health care professionals.

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